Fitness as a Lifestyle!!

Siddharth Mahajan
HI, With the start of the New Year, many of us have made resolutions to improve our health and fitness.
I believe fitness is more than just a resolution, and with so many years into fitness, and I wonder why don’t we choose Fitness as a Lifestyle. Since ages our ancestors have practiced yoga and other traditional forms of fitness, yet we still need a reason or an inspiration to drive our paths to fitness.
Apparently in today’s modern and fast changing world we are very well versed with the benefits of being Fit and Healthy. It’s just, we decide how and when we begin our journey to fitness that eventually converts into much needed lifestyle. There actually are so many rules which can lead to embracing Fitness as a Lifestyle.
21/90 RULE
Of many rules, one is very basic 21/90 rule. The 21/90-day rule came about as the result of a misinterpretation of the research by inventor but today it’s a sought after and trusted rule when it comes to develop a Habit into a Lifestyle.
As the rule says doing something for 21 days becomes a habit, and continuing it for 90 days evolves into a lifestyle. A lifestyle that promises good health, positive attitude, growth- both mental and physical, confidence and the list goes on. To make this happen consistency and taking small actionable steps are what is significant. Your brain needs to lay down a new pathway from your actionable steps so that we then have an automatic process to use after 90 days. So a little planning, and setting up starting and finishing times to complete the new habit, are all vital components. And when it comes to fitness, believe me many of us Crave & Aspire for a fit & healthy body, question is:
How many of us are willing to make it happen?
How many of us want it bad enough to begin TODAY itself?
How many of us want to nurture a habit?
And how many of us are resilient enough to let that habit develop into a Lifestyle?
Dilemma is we all know the answer. And beauty is fitness starts from anywhere, anytime. Yoga, Meditation, Running, Strength Training any or all of it. But before we start out Fitness journey in gym or anywhere else we need to start it in our minds. Mind has all the power and ability to choose, decide and act on what we feel and how it should be done. It is the place where it grows. It is the only place where it cultivates and breeds. So, before we hit a gym or a yoga mat we must strengthen our mind and send a strong signal that I will be choosing Fitness as a lifestyle.
That I am brave enough to set my priorities right and tight.
That I choose fitness over Unhealthy and Dormant life.
We often hear, we are what we eat, It’s time we hear, we are what we think, what we believe.
ME vs ME
Strongly believe It’s ME vs ME. Compete with yourself each day, every day, set your priorities right and sooner you see a New you, a Better you. A healthier, happier & grateful you. Thanking you for what you have become. Thanking you for a journey which never seemed possible, which you never thought of, is now a new normal, is now a new reality and is this is a journey that Defines you.
Self motivation is the ability to drive oneself to take initiative and action to pursue goals and complete tasks. It’s an inner drive, an inner desire, a strong craving to take action – to create and to achieve. It’s what pushes you to keep going on tasks, especially those you’re pursuing because you want to, not because someone told you to.
When reaching for a big goal, self-motivation plays a key role. Making a change in your life requires persistence, and many of us find it difficult to stay motivated over time. There will be times we will feel discouraged, demotivated, drained, but we need to remember we are doing it for our own better self.
When you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, you not only do yourself a favour, but you set an excellent example for all of those around you. Your friends, family, and children are impacted by the healthy choices you make and will often feel inspired to make a change in their own lives.
The result of this is better relationships, lower risk of disease, and an overall healthier and happier place to live in. By simply making healthier choices, you can have a rippling impact on all of those around you.
Be the person to start the change.
Let’s take a resolve, here and now that I Believe in Myself, I am brave enough to set my priorities, I am willing to get up to each day, every day, I will be consistent in my journey and I choose “Fitness as a lifestyle.”