It is welcome step that Education Department has constituted a committee vide Government order No. 707 Edu. of 2018 Dated 28-5-2018 for the regularization of officers of Education Department promoted w.e.f 1-1-2012. In this connection, it is requested that there are hundreds of officers of diffierent categories promoted prior to this cut off date who have not been regularized yet. The Committee memebrs should see and resolve this most important issue for leftover officers prior to 1-1-2012 not regularized yet and they should also be included in the list. It is requested that wide publicity be given to the seniority lists prepared by publishing them in leading newspapers so that no genuine case is left out. Secondly, it is requested that hundreds of dropout cases for promotion as headmasters/ZEOs are lying unsettled in Secretariate. These drop out cases be processed so that they are also included in the regularization. It is also requested that all the vacant posts of headmasters/ZEOs and principals be filled up for those schools recently up-graded vide Govt order No. 735-Edu of 2018 Dated 9-6-18.
The studies of students suffer body, if there is no head in the school. So all these exercises be completed in a Time-Bound manner.
Rajinder Chand Anthal
Anthal House Chenani