The decision of the State Government to give five year service benefit to 55,000 RET teachers of the State is more than welcome. The step is surely going to make teaching profession and service conditions more attractive. The terms and conditions which were framed for recruitment were harsh and unjustified. The RET teachers suffered a lot because of them.
These teachers struggled a lot to convince the authorities about the harshness of these rules governing the service conditions. At times teachers RETs had to bear the heavy handedness of police.
The RET scheme which was launched in 2005 with the objective of creating employment opportunities was criticised for non-inclusion of first five years of service for promotion and non-transferable posting.
The decision of the State Government marks the end of the painful struggle. Now, the ball is in the court of these teachers. They have to work sincerely to achieve the educational objectives set by the Education Department.
The Government has done its job by conceding the demands, and now it is upto the teachers how they would promote the cause of education.
Yours etc…
Madan Lal Sharma