Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Feb 10: A delegation from Zanskar valley led by Member Parliament, Thupstan Chhewang today called on R M Mittal, Director General of Border Road Organization, at Seema Sadak Bhavan and demanded early completion of Nimmo-Padum-Darcha road.
The delegation also submitted a memorandum to the Director General highlighting various burning issues of the region.
Mr Chhewang urged the DG that keeping in view the satisfactory performance of 71 RCC in the construction of ongoing Nimmo-Padum-Darcha road linking Leh with Himachal Pradesh through Zanskar valley, working jurisdiction of the 71RCC should be extended from Shinkun La Top to Kargyak, which is the last village of Zanskar valley.
He asked the DG to post a new unit of RCC in Nyerak village with a separate working jurisdiction towards Padum and Nimmo. “From Nyerak, we can start work towards both side which will help the speedy completion of the dream project of the people”, he added.
After review of progress on Nimmo-Padum-Darcha road, DG BRO in principle agreed to extend working jurisdiction of 71 RCC from Shinkun La to Kargyak. The realignment of Padum-Nimmo portion in the south facing Tsarak Dho was accepted and it was decided that the concerned Task Force would be instructed to conduct survey.
“Funds will not be a constraint and adequate funds made available at both ends”, DG BRO said, adding “completion of road from Fotoksar to Nyerak would be expedited”, adding “shifting of one Task Force from Kargil to be assigned Nyerak-Padum Road would be considered on priority”.
It was also assured that the local contractors would be encouraged by splitting the contract to make them eligible to bid. DG BRO assured that he would visit construction site of Nimmo-Padum-Darcha Road in Zanskar Valley during coming summer.