JKUF calls for observing Oct 22 as ‘Black Day’

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 11: Jammu and Kashmir Unity Foundation (JKUF) has called for observing Oct 22 as Black Day as on this day in 1947 Pakistan forces assisted by Tribals in the name of Jehad attacked Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir and indulged in loot, plunder and killing of innocents at unprecedented level.
JKUF also called upon the Government of India to take concrete measures to free the area of J&K State occupied by Pakistan illegally including  Gilgit and Baltistan as untold human rights violations are being conducted by Pak Army and the infamous ISI.
JKUF announced to hold a seminar on the topic “Black Day Oct 22 1947- Military Invasion not Tribal Raid by Pakistan” on October 22 to commemorate the memory of those killed, looted and plundered by the Pakistan Army and its paid Militia.
Addressing a press conference here today, JKUF convener, Ajaat Jamwal, said that this year Oct 22 is coinciding with the festival of Vijaydashmi which signifies ‘Victory of Good over Evil’ and Government of India should intervene decisively to restore the area of Jammu and Kashmir State back and fulfill its promise made in the Resolution of Parliament of 1994 to restore the area under the illegal occupation of Pakistan back.
He further said that JKUF seeks involvement of the citizens of the State in particular and the Country in general to join hands so that society as a whole is mobilized to defend and promote the national interests.
The Foundation appealed all citizens of the State, social, cultural and political organizations to observe October 22 as ‘Black Day’ which ushered in destabilization of the State.
Prominent among others present on the occasion were Sanjay Slathia, youth wing president of JKUF, Vikram Chib, student wing president, Pushvinder Singh, Dr Hari Dutt Shishu and Sanjay Gupta.


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