Infiltration bid foiled in Nowshera, intruder killed

JAMMU: One intruder was killed when a group of four to five militants tried to sneak into this side of the fence opposite to Kalal area of Nowshehra sector in Rajouri district, official sources here said.

They added that a movement of a group of militants was seen in Samhani Bagsar area in Nowshera sector and it was well intercepted before they could have managed to reach LoC and were engaged.

“Amid engagement of militants, an explosion took place in the area after one of the infiltrators stepped over a land mine or an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and died on the spot,” sources added and said that the body of the killed intruder has not been recovered and there are apprehensions that it was taken away by the intruders who returned back. (AGENCIES)