
Saturday  March 08-2014

Aries : If your work has anything to do with money, today you will be busy counting your riches! If you’ve applied for a loan, it may get sanctioned today. Look for variety, says Ganesha, and you may find your day filled with smiles and what not.

Taurus : You are likely to be mentally alert and watchful today, says Ganesha. Creativity will run through your veins no matter what you attempt. You may dabble in performing arts, designing, graphics or special effects. Your charm will play Pied Piper to the opposite gender today.

Gemini : Your physical appearance and personal attitude will see a marked improvement today, predicts Ganesha. A well-groomed you will climb up the popularity chart among peers, friends and members of the opposite sex. You will keep people under your spell with your wit and wisdom both at the workplace and at social gatherings. Romance is also in the air.

Cancer : You will be firing all cylinders in the creativity department, says Ganesha. Even your colleagues may pitch in, and will give you new ideas to make your work better. Those looking for a new job will ace the interview and clear the selection process as easily as clearing the fog from their glasses.

Leo : When it comes to maintaining a balance in any relationship, you set an example for others to follow. It is like an inner light guides you towards joyful coexistence, though, at times, it may entail making certain acts of sacrifice, says Ganesha. You may choose to lose an argument in order to win hearts. Just remember that losing a battle is sometimes the only way to win the war. Keep your language short and sweet on this wonderful day.

Virgo : Play dodge ball with prejudice today. Do not let intolerance find shelter in you today, advises Ganesha. Instead, chances are you will seek to find love, affection and goodwill among those around you. Stay away from negativity as it may bog you down. Ganesha counsels you to have the courage to stand by your convictions.

Libra : Lights, camera, and action! Be prepared as the limelight is focused on you on this very motivating and inspiring day, enabling you to attract excellent public praise. Today is an encouraging day to set in motion innovative projects, especially for those who desire to be their own masters and embark upon fulfilling self-financed ideas. Ganesha has an inkling that today, you might see your social standing rise to new heights.

Scorpio : You are most likely to resent the dominating and overbearing nature of your partner today. Patience will probably go to the dumps in this case then. But Ganesha advises you to sit together and resolve all personality clashes and quarrels in view of the larger scheme of things.

Sagittarius : Expect a call to late-night revelry and a chance to binge. But you don’t seem to be in the mood to let your hair loose and party, says Ganesha. However tempting it may be, your serious side will take over and you shall deny the offer. No wonder they like that sensible head on your shoulders.

Capricorn : The chances of you meeting financial success are few, but they are there nonetheless, says Ganesha. If you really want to improve your account balance and settle all the burgeoning debts, focus on what all needs to be done, and get it done without delay. You will make merry later in the day and will enjoy the company of your loved ones. But you will have free time despite all of this, and will get lured into unnecessary spending, especially on recreational activities. Spend your money prudently to avoid financial crisis in the future.

Aquarius : A productive day, as you will receive unrestrained support from your bosses and colleagues. Your creativity will reach its zenith and the resulting work will augment your reputation. The day will seem complete when you spend quality time with your family in the evening, says Ganesha.

Pisces : While your day is unlikely to be very satisfactory, keeping your expectations low will help lessen your disappointment, says Ganesha. However, the evening is likely to be as refreshing as your day was depressing, with all the socialising in store for you. A rollicking party awaits you with good food, wine and music as accompaniments.