Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 14: A grand “Parents Worship Day” (MatriPitri Pujan Diwas) has been observed at Geeta Bhawan, Parade Ground Jammu today. The event was organized by Sanatan Dharam Sabha, Parade Ground Jammu. People from various walks of life attended the event which was celebrated with fervor and gaiety. Ex. Ministers of leading parties namely Priya Sethi (Ex. Education Minister) and MLC, Ramesh Arora Ji were also present and witnessed the function of children from all age group i.e from younger to elder ones worshipping their parents and showing their respect and gratitude towards them. Children from various schools also participated in the function.
Speaking on the occasion Priya Sethi Ex education Minister expressed that such events helps creating a sense of responsibility amongst children towards their parents. She said that 14th February called Valentine Day being celebrated by some followers of Western culture started 15 to 20 years back in India but now is being celebrated throughout the week and followed by young generation blindly leading them to nowhere. Such practices shall not be promoted in our country, she added.
Ramesh Arora Ji (MLC) also expressed his views and said that this is the country of cultural values and evils of Western countries can be checked through the practices like “Parents Worship Day”. General secretary Sanatan Dharam Sabha Satpaul Singh Rathore disclosed that there is increasing lack of accord between parents and children. The consequent event and increasing number of resorting to old age home have become the cause of concern. Western practices like Valentine Day are widening the chasm in this pious relationship and consequently the radiance and vitality of nation’s future generation is being destroyed.