In a bizarre move based on the input made by the Central Intelligence Agency, a joint team of Special Operations Group (SOG) Jammu and City police carried out raids on a City hotel on the basis of specific information and nabbed five Kashmiri suspects travelling from New Delhi to Jammu on way to Kashmir. On search by the SOG, Venezuelancurrency amounting about Rs 3 lakh in Indian market along with a cheque of Rs 3.3 lakh was recovered from them. All the five suspects were handed over to the Enforcement agency as this was a case of carrying Foreign Currency.
Some interesting questions arise from this episode. Firstly, the task of bringing money to the Kashmir seditionists and traitors has not totally sopped. Secondly, it appears that Kashmir jihadis are desperately trying to explore new ways and methods of funding insurgency in Kashmir. Third lesson is that there is a possibility of a widespread global network working for promotion of insurgency in wider global context.
There are indications that even after demonetization; Pakistan based anti-India agencies are trying to find new ways and means of manufacturing fake Indian currency and exporting the same to Kashmir militants. Venezuela is an oil producing company and is linked with Saudi Arabia in oil diplomacy. Some Kashmiris from the valley have made foothold in some sensitive departments of the Saudi Government and they usually lend their direct or indirect support to Kashmir insurgency. Some Kashmiri emigrants to the US have links with the Saudi Arabia-based funding sources for Kashmir insurgency. The police and otherintelligence agencies should conduct thorough investigation of this case and bring to public domain how clandestine attempts are still made to provide funding to Kashmir seditionistalbeitthrough some local source. All the five persons belong to Baramulla in North Kashmir.
It has to be noted that very rarely a Venezuelan tourists is found among the foreign tourists visiting Kashmir. The question is how come this particular currency, which is the least talked about currency among the people dealing with tourism either in Kashmir or in Delhi. The possibility of a wider network of foreign currency dealers is active in clandestine manner of running their private business of money changing or money laundering. This case assumes much significance from that point of view.