Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 26: The State Executive Committee for State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) headed by Chief Secretary, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, which met here today, highlighted the need for capacity building of various departmental functionaries and other stakeholders recommending appropriate training vis-à-vis various facets of disaster management.
Chairing the meeting, Mr. Khandey reviewed the progress and status of SDRF during the last financial year involving settlement of claims on account of losses suffered to public and private property across the State due to natural calamities.
He called for organising workshops in districts attended by respective Deputy Commissioners and other concerned officers/stakeholders to develop SOPs for quick assessment of relief claims as per SDRF norms besides carrying out SWOT analysis of the institutional mechanism at various levels so that our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as far as disaster preparedness in the State are clearly known.
During 2013-14, an amount of Rs 134.24 crores was utilised for meeting expenditure on account of sanctioned claims besides relief and rescue equipment worth Rs 2.39 crores were also purchased under SDRF.
To facilitate quick disposal of claims under SDRF, an amount of Rs 5.50 crores has already been released to be placed with Deputy Commissioners at the rate of Rs 25 lakh each this financial year.
Meanwhile, the Executive Committee approved various proposals for release of funds on account of capacity building, relief claims settlement, temporary restoration of assets in Srinagar and Bandipora besides purchase of additional relief & rescue equipment.
The meeting was attended by Financial Commissioner Revenue Dr. Arun Kumar, Principal Secretary Planning & Development, B. R. Sharma, Principal Secretary to CM, B. B. Vyas, Principal Secretary Home, Suresh Kumar, Divisional Commissioners Jammu/ Kashmir, concerned Administrative Secretaries and other senior officers.