Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 25: Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (PPBKIVV) today organized a programme to celebrate Alokik Dedication ceremony (Samarpan Samaroh) of Divine Sisters BK Sushma and BK Kusum Lata at State Headquarters of Brahma Kumaris here.
The programme was held under the aegis of Director, Brahma Kumaris J&K Sudershan Didi.
A large number of people from all sections of the society participated in the programme.
Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Ravinder Bhai informed that the Vishwa Vidyalaya spreads the message that ‘God is One’ and is the supreme father of all souls. He further said that the organization inspires the people to ‘Be Holy, Be Rajyogi’.
Colourful spiritual programmes were presented during the programme, which were highly appreciated by the devotees.