Bovine smuggler held with fake permission letter

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 30: Nagrota police today foiled a bovine smuggling bid and arrested a smuggler with fake permission letter of the office of District Magistrate Jammu.
Police sources said that routine naka checking at Ban toll plaza during the intervening night of January 29 and 30, a team of police station Nagrota led by SHO Inspector Vishav Pratap Singh intercepted a load carrier (Tata Mobile) bearing registration number JK02AX-6629.
They said that during checking of the vehicle, 4 bovine animals were found loaded in it. “On questioning, the driver of the vehicle produced a permission letter (for transportation of bovines) issued by the office of District Magistrate Jammu,” they said, adding, on enquiry from the concerned officers in District Magistrate office, the permission letter turned out to be forged.
Sources said driver of the vehicle namely Musthaq Choudhary son of Taj Din, resident of Sidhra was arrested on the spot and his vehicle was seized while the bovines loaded in the vehicle were rescued.
When contacted, Deputy SP of Nagrota Pradeep Kumar told Excelsior that a case in this connection has been registered at police station Nagrota under relevant sections of Law and investigations are on to nab other co-accused.