Not only should a Government employee be regular and punctual in respect of attending one’s office / workplace whatever but one should be in time attending the office and leaving too only after the stipulated time . Late coming and early going like approaches needed to be reversed as fast as possible in the employee’s own interest as also in the interests of the particular office, department , institution whatever be the case. Had the overall scenario been satisfactory even after introduction of bio-metric attendance in most of the offices, surprise inspections by concerned authorities would probably have been quite minimal and even not required at all.
In this connection, the Government has now decided to empower the Sub Divisional Magistrates (SDMs) to supervise and verify the attendance of the employees in Government offices within their jurisdictions. Not only that, they are supposed to supervise the developmental works too and to arrange measuring the speed of such works also. It is , therefore, important for the employees to note that strict punctuality is expected of them and to be in their work places right in time , leaving only after the fixed time and most importantly, give maximum output and performance commensurate with their salaries and other benefits enjoyed from the public exchequer.