Arjuna awardee paralympians Sheetal, Rakesh among 20 Spl Invitees on R-Day

Bivek Mathur

JAMMU, Jan 23: Arjuna awardee paralympians Sheetal Devi and Rakesh Kumar are among the 20 distinguished individuals from Jammu region who will attend the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi as “Special Guests” this year.

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Selected for their exceptional contributions in various fields, these 20 invitees will join over 10000 special guests from across the country to witness the prestigious event on January 26 at Kartavya Path, New Delhi.
As per a statement, they are recognized for their exceptional contributions in various fields, including Government schemes, social welfare and personal achievements.
Among those selected under the “Paralympic Contingent and Winners of International Sports Events” category include Arjuna Awardee Rakesh Kumar from Katra and Sheetal Devi from Kishtwar, besides others who excelled in different events at the National and International levels, including Anup Verma from Katra, Shakti Devi from Lohidhar Mughal Maidan, and Rakesh Kumar Yadav from Katra while as Parveen Choudhary of Rang Pur Treva has been invited as a special guest under the category of “Best performing PM-Vishwakarma Yojana” beneficiaries.
Those invited in the category of “Road Construction Workers” are Hardeep Singh, Kasturi Lal, Sachin Kumar, Ravinder Singh – all from Rajouri; Saber Hussain, Tazeem Akhter, both from Poonch; Bipan Lal from Kishtwar; Rakesh Kumar from Patyari, Gurah Brahmana, Samba, Baljeet Singh from Nardi Bala Nardi, Jammu, Rounak Lal from Arnia, Jammu, Sanjay Kumar from Korgasal, Jammu, and Mukesh Sharma from Udhampur.
Nisha Sharma from Tikri, Mand, Udhampur has been selected as special guest under the category of “Best Performing Water Warriors”.
“These individuals have been selected for their remarkable achievements, particularly in fields such as water conservation, handicrafts, women’s empowerment and education. The special guests invited from across India represent diverse sectors, highlighting the impact of government schemes and the dedication of individuals in contributing to national progress,” said PRO Defence Lt Col Suneel Bartwal.
“The Republic Day Parade provides a unique platform to honour these exceptional individuals for their service to the community and the country. The guests from Jammu region join a distinguished list of achievers who will be attending the event to witness the Republic Day celebrations,” he said.