Aditi Kohli
Our fast-moving, information-rich, ultra-connected, hi-tech world is an amazing & exciting place to live on, and hence nobody wants to stop here. Besides that sometimes, we are bound to face such problems and thus become unhappy. Sleep Deprivation is one of such problems. Sleep Deprivation may be stated as the condition of not having enough sleep for one or the other reason. Sleep is a regulated set of behavioral & psychological states, during which many processes belonging to health takes place. Sufficient sleep is essential for maintaining optimal physical health, mental functioning & cognitive performance. Inadequate sleep time or poor quality sleep can be hazardous to health. All the aspects of sleep behavior across the lifespan demonstrate a large degree of variability among individuals. The sleep patterns are characterized by intrinsic and biological processes.
The biological clock resides in the brain, which regulates when we feel sleepy or active. It works in random with light, dark, our body temperature & hormones. Generally in Adulthood, we need at least 7-8 hourly night sleep. But, thanks to our phones, laptops, tabs, i-pads, we are not even getting 50% of this adequate sleep. We should always remember one thing, that these gadgets do not help to sleep but they do disturb us. Increasing frequency of sleeping problems results in various sleeping disorders such as insomnia, apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy etc. Earlier, the sleeping problems that could be experienced after a certain age stage, those can be now seen in young people too. Healthy sleeping habits can make a big difference in the quality of life. Assessing one’s own sleep, we can use BEARS* sleep assessment as a guide; where B – bedtime problems? , E – excessive sleeping during the day? , A – awakenings at night? , R – regularity of sleep? , S – sleeping disorders (including sleep apnea & even snoring). There may also be some physiological outcome like increased risk for obesity, hypertension, & impaired immune system functioning.
To make a good night’s sleep, we must follow certain guidelines; viz –
* A regular sleep / wake schedule should be maintained not only in weekdays but the same needs to be followed at weekends also. This will help in making a uniform routine and getting the desired results.
* One should avoid napping during the day, especially after 3 PM. The reason behind this point is the desired sleep is done during the day time and the person gets uncomfortable during night. Instead napping during day, one should indulge in little tasks to get something creative & productive.
* Even if somebody is not feeling sleepy, still he / she should establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. If a set routine is done, steady & slowly the sleep time will also get set & the person will not face such sleep problems.
* It is also suggested to take small meals during the day and avoid any meal just before going to bed, otherwise the person will feel heavy and it may cause gastric problems, thus resulting uncomforted during night.
* Exercise regularly, but not within 2 hours of sleep. Workout helps in relaxing physically as well as mentally. This is practically proven that the person having a set schedule of regular exercise, hardly face any sleep problems.
* It is also advisable to avoid caffeinated beverages after lunch. Use of alcohol and nicotine also disturbs sleep.
According to National Sleep Foundation, which is an independent non-profit organization dedicating to improving public health and safety by understanding sleeping disorders, strictly advices to discuss with the doctor about your sleep habits and see a sleep specialist if experiencing chronic difficulties in sleep. Assess yourself about your sleep and understand how your sleep changes with respect to the age, lifestyle and psychological conditions. Sleep well and stay healthy.