‘ZIDDI CHETE’_ A collection of inspiring memoirs

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
Author: Prof. LalitMagotra
Year of Publication: 2024
Cost: Rs 400
Publisher: Highbrow Publications, 78/11 Near Pahalwan Food Mall, Bari Brahmana, Jammu (J&K)

Someone has well said, “Memories are always special. Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried and we cry the days we laughed.” Now when a writer compiles memoirs in the form of a book then it becomes a literary piece because he or she will use certain anecdotes in such a manner that will not have reflection of his or her personal life incidents only but will carry literary significance also. Now Prof. Lalit Magotra has knocked the door of Dogri literature this time with an outstanding collection of memoirs and travelogues entitled ZIDDI CHETE that has a lot to offer to Dogri literature in many ways.
About Book:
ZIDDI CHETE is a collection of 7 memoirs and 4 travelogues written in such a way that the reader steps in the past memories of the author and travels to different places, connecting with amazing characters thus holding the thread of words knitted very skillfully. Such creative works come out of the shadow of personal memories and become a significant part of literature.
It is said that one has to be very cautious while penning down memoirs because truth is not digestible despite our tall claims of sticking to truth and raising slogans that truth always prevails. It needs extra courage and Prof. Magotra has shown the guts. He remembers three characters GHURKO, LAMBAD and PEER in his first memoir of the collection. He admits that they may not have any importance for the rest of the world but have been integral part of his childhood. He could have started with his close relatives but his selection of Sweeper, Domestic help and Labourer shows his sensibility towards his memories that do haunt him quite often. Through them the author has raised certain questions and embossed the reflection of society of that time. Yes, we have come across a long way now. The other memoir KISH CHETE; KISH SOWAL is a collection of such incidents which are thought provoking as is evident from the title itself. Recalling Grandfather (Nana Ji) and his undisclosed relation with a lady who was once abused by his own for alleged illicit character shows guts of the author to pen down harsh truth. The other reference of a beggar, believed to have taken rebirth is also an interesting anecdote and tells about the time when such beliefs were quite common. The third part of memoir is about author’s regular visits to grand parental home along with his mother where he encountered different characters, which are important part of his memories for varied reasons.
PEHLA SANEHA is an adolescent attraction for a beautiful girl, daughter of a Kashmiri Pandit family who lived as a tenant in their home for some time during Durbar move. The author waits eagerly for her next visit during next Durbar Move and has made up his mind to expel his innermost but it doesn’t happen and the innocent feelings get buried in the everlasting memories. PASHORA AAHLE BABA JI is also quite interesting character who had lost his eyesight and the author used to read books for him. The author owes a lot to him for enriching his vocabulary, attraction towards naturopathy and developing habit of eating fruits and raw vegetables right from early childhood.
Prof. Lalit Magotra has studied at Ranbir Higher Secondary School Jammu which was a High School at that time. Through his memoirRANBIR HIGH SCHOOL, he has tried to recall his golden past as a school going young boy and his precious time spent with school mates and teachers within the boundary walls of a school that has historical significance.ZINDGI DE PECHE is about the passion of author for kite flying culture prevalent in Jammu city. The author has used his love for kites as a symbol to connect it with complexity of life. He still loves to participate in kite flying, enjoys revisiting childhood and remains connected to cultural roots too.
DOGRI SANSTHA TE MEIN, the last memoir of book is the longest one and Prof. Lalit Magotra has written in detail about his close association with the pioneer literary organization that was formed way back in 1944. He has made this literary piece a historical document and in fact it is the journey of Sanstha through the eyes of an established writer which gives the written words an extra edge to proclaim the authenticity.
The next segment of the book are travelogues that take the readers to a joyful journey. The author has tried his level best to make this journey whether in our own region or at abroad quite interesting, informative and inspiring. If BHADERWAH THAMA BASOHLI takes us on an adventurous trekking expedition, then TETIYEN BAREN BAAFD, BOLONIYA DE CHOGAN TE GALIYARE and 2009 DI SWEDEN YATRA take us on a flight where we come across the other cultures and get a wakeup call to preserve and promote our own rich mother tongue and cultural traditions. The literary procurement of such write ups is that the readers while exploring other cultures get even more connected to their roots and comprehend their obligations towards own belongings.
The collection has preface entitled ZINDAGI_ IKK BACHITRA NATAK, which is unique in its style as the author has taken his life as a theatre play wherein everyone including him, has been playing his or her part convincingly. MEIN KUTHEN ROHNA, a beautiful thought provoking poem is a bit philosophical and Prof. Lalit Magotra as a poet proves it once again that he has the contents that rank him among versatile free verse poets.
The 180 page collection is a fine example of how memoirs and travelogues should be penned down so that they come out of mere personal collections and become a part of class literature. He being a scientist and a student of Physics has always written with authenticity and has never hesitated to write or speak truth. He is in fact a STUBBORNand so are his MEMOIRSthat he was forced to compile. ZIDDI CHETE is a perfect example to prove it. The title page designed by Vikram Sharma is symbolic and attractive. The author has dedicated this book in the memory of his childhood friend, well known Dogri short story writer Late Chaman Arora. The book is strongly recommended for those who wish to enjoy a good ride along with Prof. Lalit Magotra and feel proud of quality literature written in mother tongue Dogri.
(The writer is Sahitya Akademi & State Awardee)