This refers to the Editorial ‘Youth Power'( DE, Nov 23, 2014). There is no doubt that status of youth matters a lot in the development and progress of a country. The more skilled, knowledgable and motivated the youth of a country is the richer and more developed the country is.The youth of a country has an immense reservoir of power and energy and if this power is properly channelised, it can transform the destiny of a nation.
The fact that India has the largest number of youth in the age group of 10- 24 in the world should make the policy planners introspect as to how to develop the potential and energy of this huge number of youth by formulating policies and programnes in such a manner that they prove to be an asset rather than liability to our country.
While formulating policies and programmes,focus ought to be laid on providing quality education aimed at honing their skills and knowledge so that they can make their valuable contribution towards rapid development and transformation of their nation.They have to be provided the right type of education which enables them to imbibe virtues and qualities such as self confidence, patriotism, dignity for labour,problem solving skills and entetpreneurship which are so crucial to the development of a country.But the youth of today are faced with the problem of unemployment, uncertainity and frustration and unless policies and programme aimed at utilizing the vast potential of the youth rare formulated, there is every possibility of their going astray and using their vast energy in destructive activities.
Thus, the need of the hour is to harness the energy and power of the youth by offering ample space and opportunities to display their talent skills and creativity and thus mobilse them to make their nation strong and powerful.
The youth of today too ought to perceive the changing trend of the world and equip themselves with the necessary skills and abilities to meet the challanges of the fast changing world.
Yours etc…..
A Sharma