Woes of elders

Like leaves in autumn, kith and kin, leave oldies in the lurch. Bodily weak, inflicted with multiple diseases, with empty pockets, these oldies feel extremely bewildered and helpless on the bank of life and death. Considered as a burden by the family, they pass a very unpleasant evening. While sighing heavily, looking at the past, they don’t hesitate in saying that how nice it would have been had they died much before this stage of life.
The family doesn’t care, the society extend no regards and efforts of Govts also remain not much encouraging in removing their  hardships. Nominal pension given to the oldies can’t conform to their requirements. They deserve to be given free medical treatment, concession in transports  like railways and even reservation of seats in public vehicles. The elders’ sacrifice in formation of the society should be adequately recognised at all platforms to enable them to pass evening of their life comfortably and respectfully. The phenomenon of distress the elders are suffering from is entirely due to extreme self-centredness and erosion in moral and social values in the society. Unfailing obedience to the parents appease totally disappearing.
Both the society (NGOs) and the Govt should strive to ameliorate their living conditions by extending whole hearted support so that  no old person desires to join Old Age Homes.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)