Why chaos in Parimpora Fruit Mandi?

The administration, traders and buyers in vegetable and fruit mandis have all to adjust and readjust their convenience of activities which in no case, came in conflict with the measures of fighting corona virus epidemic. That includes varied measures of regulating the activities right from loading and unloading of merchandise, whole sale purchases, duration of working hours in the Mandi and above all, decongesting and discouraging overcrowding.
Parimpora Fruit Mandi in Srinagar is reportedly not adjusting to certain necessary changes in respect of conducting of the affairs of the Mandi. We cannot doubt that some genuine difficulties must be faced by all the stake holders in respect of limiting the timings of the Mandi and only lesser number of too many trucks waiting in queue for unloading making it to the Mandi as also small vehicles like tempos etc not allowed inside for loading purchased items . At the same time, since human lives were more important than anything else, administration could not afford to give relaxations which compromised with the safety standard protocol. What is therefore, required is to find a way out to minimise the inconvenience and difficulties faced by traders, wholesale dealers as also retailers associated with the Parimpora Fruit Mandi without imperilling the lives of the people vis-a-vis the dreaded virus.