Merciless and wanton felling of ‘Green Gold’ in Sangerwani forest in Pulwama district over a period is not only condemnable but a great loss which cannot be made good for years together. That even restricted species of such trees in the forest have not been spared from the axe is reprehensible. Had complaints not been received by the District Magistrate, Pulwama over this callous and ruthless axing of trees and had he and his team not visited the ravaged spot, it would have been “managed” to sweep under the rug. Drones were put into service to assess the damage of the ravaged forest. Can such loot of these trees , otherwise getting reduced in numbers due to encroachments and shrinking of forest areas, be possible without the active connivance of the forest officials? Be it the period of terrorism related violence and abnormal situation or the lockdown conditions , the hard core forest thieves with support from those who are duty bound to protect this precious wealth, find such difficult times opportune to resort to loot of this nature.
It is quite strange that while the thrust and focus of Governments all over, is to protect and grow more and more trees , there should be such elements who do not hesitate to not only axe and fell the oxygen producing natural machines but deal a severe blow to the environment as well . These elements are hard core criminals and in overallreckoning are against human beings as we are dependent on trees for basic critical needs. Accountability and responsibility must be fixed and a deterrent action taken against all those who are found involved. At the outset, let the DFO Shopianfeel the full quantum of heat in respect of the matter.