This has reference to the news item ‘2 vehicles, bank targeted’ DE Oct 20.
The burning of two autos and two sumos and a private vehicle in and outskirts of Srinagar in a couple of days recently again underlines the fact that miscreants rule the roost in the Valley. It also underlines the fact that shutdown observed in Valley are not voluntarily as is claimed by separatists but enforced by hooligans. These people are the real enemies of Kashmiri people. They do not want to see children going to school, businessmen conducting business and labours earning a square meal. How long shall their diktats prevail, only time will tell. They harass common people because they do not want to get exposed. They do not want reality to come before public, as it would hurt their vested interests.
The transporters in the Valley is the worst hit section in Kashmir valley today. Their business has come to a cropper. They expressed their resentment through a protest recently, and narrated their story of sufferings.
Their plight, it seems, did not move the separatist. If their protest had moved separatists, the recent vehicle torching incidents would not have come into force. The miscreants indulging in these barbaric incidents should not be spared.
Yours etc…
Channi Himmat, Jammu