Using democracy to wreck it

Shiban Khaibri
Can  flourishing  and an example in itself, Indian democracy be  intrigued  to be smashed  only through  using it   to establish  a system of Government on medieval  lines in accordance with some extremist religious  belief ? A  leading TV channel did recently a yeoman’s job in bringing to light lurking dangers from such people to the nation who in India, were planning to destabilise it by spreading disturbances and  practically echo the designs  of their terror masters sitting thousands of miles away. Remember  when some saboteurs and stone pelters waved ISIS flags in Kashmir  for the first time under NC – Congress coalition Government in June 2014 and then intermittently after Friday prayers  to show “solidarity” with the concept of Islamic  Caliphate, the reaction of the then Chief Minister  Omar Abdullah was just casual  by saying that  there was no ISIS  in Kashmir  and all the reports and even visual footage was a hype by the media .Today, when there are more of such waving  followed by stone pelting and other forms of violence, the onus is put on the present dispensation  which speaks  of what levels has Kashmiri politics plummeted. Denials and deferment or total avoiding of the requisite action  often result in  slipping situations and problems out of hands. Kashmir is a classical example.
In the same way, the view that the ISIS has made no inroads in India  even if in  embryo or in rudimentary stage would tantamount to negation of a reality just like SIMI was “certified” as  innocent.National security threats are evident in the newer form by unmasking of a few ISIS men . While they openly threaten India, they at the same time, get the cover of Netas or self styled liberal intellectuals. One such self styled intellectual  gloated over  the unrest  created  by Pakistan  in Kashmir by  allegedly  saying that even 70 lac  Indian military men could not suppress the “Aazadi  movement” in Kashmir. Not only did she disgrace the valour and the professional prowess of the Indian army but she openly advocated treason and challenged sovereignty and territorial integrity of India.She continues to roam free under this Government as she did under the previous dispensation.   On the other hand, the brave and steadfast journalist who made a sting of the active ISIS men (three of them) and the revelations made by them , if brushed aside would mean shutting eyes to a grave danger.
Abdullah Basit, a motivated ISIS young man appeared neither neglected nor poor nor discriminated against as very often, rather as a routine, alleged by vote bank protagonists and minority card players when speaking in fluent English with superb pronunciation , he described Indian democracy as “Kufur” democracy but “we will use this  very democracy to subvert and wreck it to create Islamic state”. When asked as to what mission they had in mind , his reply was candid but firm, “To convert everyone to Sharia, yes convert , or pay  tax , run away from this country or  get killed or kill.”. He further eulogised in high degree,  the ISIS chief and called him as “Amir-ul- Muneem”saying, “Sharia has to be implemented for all , Islamic law has to be followed by all , come what may.” This man revealed that he used face book and other forms , portals and sites for getting motivated by the ISIS and motivate others. The other two were Salman  Mohi-ud-din  and   Abdul  Hananna Qureshi . Qureshi was eager to go to Syria , work for ISIS  and had to marry a Syrian woman there , so much he claimed his intimacy there.
At the outset, it all may just look nothing of any alarm or concern but a deep perusal of circumstances  would clearly spell out the designs and the mechanisations  underway in different parts of the country by such  indoctrinated  people. That  the trend, the move and the face of Kashmir unrest is no longer any so called “Aazadi” but a “fight” for Islam  and for an Islamic state in Kashmir  must rattle the political leaders of all hues. See the connect  with the three ISIS men stung  by the TV journalist and perhaps watched by millions and reacted too by thousands – with the Kashmiri terrorists , their slogans their placards, their aims and their snubbing of the “elders” talking of any politics or any political problem  associated with Kashmir. An ugly scarred face of religious extremism is vivid.
So long as any  exclusive  ideology,  flawed philosophy , religious hatred, fanaticism, or any similar  fuel was raging the fire in Kashmir, Pakistan  was  finding it suiting her interests in the best way as any quantum of  alienation of Kashmiris  from India meant  strengthening the interests of Pakistan, it would spare no stone unturned in keeping on funding stone pelting, schools and colleges burning, attacking security personnel committed to exercise restraint and tolerance.Recent  revelations on phone by Hurriyat and separatist leaders have spilled the beans as to how no ideology or love lost for Pakistan was lubricating the violence in Kashmir but money and money alone was moving the wagons  of destruction of Kashmir. “We have burnt only 35 schools so far and more are planned”, yes, we are to burn police stations, railway stations and create havoc and mess”, were a few revelations caught on tape, camera  in respect of  these  leaders. Rs. 70 crores in 6 months to pay sangbaz elements and some disgruntled leaders  black mail New Delhi to talk with Pakistan, perhaps to ” request “them , “Do not send as much money to these “oppressed “sangbaz  elements”. Wife of a separatist “leader” walked off from one of the panel debates  in a TV show,  the moment she saw live, her husband speaking about Pakistani funds and the havoc wrought by that money in Kashmir by these “proud” Kashmiris.
What is Mr Modi waiting for now?  Pakistani and Hawala  money and the recipients are all no longer any secrets and now all  other cases of terror, inciting violence, seditious speeches, spreading animosity between sections of the society  and the like should be slapped against these traitors and put in ordinary jails and no longer in picturesque surroundings of Cheshma Shahi bungalows like  VIP  state guests or dignitaries. Agreed that  NIA  has taken cognisance  of the Pakistani and Hawala money racket playing havoc in Kashmir but taking strict action has now become necessary as even in its  absence , Modi continues to be despised , it hardly matters if degree of despising  increases  by  subjecting these traitors  to  the  rigors  of law. What previous Governments at the centre could not do or allowed things to reach such levels, Mr Modi has got to resolve the “disease” for which the time perhaps has reached.
How many more must have been inspired and mentally brainwashed  by thethree ISIS activist terrorists  under reference,is only a guess and again, those who condition their politics or way of administering on minority card and fake or selective secularism,  feigning shedding tears  over assumed victimhood or manufactured discrimination are equally culprits subverting hard earned democracy and freedom of this country. Some particular cultural or religious or even linguistic imperialism thrust on this ancient civilization is and should be totally unacceptable. Let us live and die for our dear country rather than for any religion.