Teacher awarded three years RI for committing unnatural offence

Excelsior Correspondent

POONCH, Dec 2: Sub Judge, Special Mobile Magistrate, Poonch, Ahsan Malik, has awarded three years rigorous imprisonment and fine of  Rs 5000 to the accused  Mohd Bashir S/o Mohd  Shafi R/o Kalai Tehsil Haveli District Poonch.  In case of default in payment of  fine the accused person shall further undergo rigorous  imprisonment for six  months.
As per  prosecution story on the intervening night of May 23 and 24, 2009, at 12.o’clock night, the accused Mohd Bashir S/o Mohd Shafi R/o Kalai  Poonch, teacher, awake  the ten years old victim  student  reading in “Dar-ul-Hadees Madarsa” Poonch, who was sleeping  with other  students  in the Mosque’s hall and brought  to his room and committed carnal intercourse against  the order of nature  with him. The victim student is the resident of Tehsil Mendhar, where his parents  are residing.  After committing the offence the accused threatened the victim  student to kill  and throw  him to Poonch  river and sent the student victim for sleeping with other  children/students.
The FIR was registered on 29th of May, 2009 when the father of the victim student came to Poonch from his home.
The  Management  of the “Madarsa Dhar-ul-Hadees” failed to lodge  report before the police promptly with respect  to the said occurrence and even Molvies of the said Madarsa  entangled the father of the victim for not lodging report.  Even  the Management of the said  Madarsa failed to get  the victim student medically  examined and even did not  provide first aid  to the victim  student when the District Hospital Poonch is at a stone throwing  distance  from the place  of occurrence. Further more the management of the said Madarsa did not  preserve the blood socked/spermatozoa  stained clothes etc of the student victim.
The court  reached to the conclusion  that the offence  stand committed by the accused. Thus,  the accused namely Mohd Bashir S/o  Mohd Shafi R/o Kalai Tehsil Haveli District Poonch  is held  guilty  of offence punishable  U/S  377  of RPC  and is accordingly convicted.
In this  case  the State was represented by Shaheen Khan, Chief Prosecuting Officer  Poonch, and  Mohd Sarfraz , Prosecuting Officer  Poonch  and the accused wass represented by Ch Lal Hussain Mushtaq, Advocate.