Due to one reason or the other, the “spell of evil eyes” on the River Tawi Barrage seems not to be over, if it be put in that lighterway . The work on the much hyped Barrage , the Artificial Lake continues to be in chronic hiccups, mired in officialdom’s lethargy, poor monitoring, lack of proper interest, court cases and the like. The latest hitch was about the basic requirement of having no audit been conducted of the works and the amounts spent thereon. However, its audit was ordered and a panel of officers appointed for the job.
The deadline for special audit of the Barrage is already over but neither is the report submitted nor the work resumed. The clock or the meter of cost escalation is ticking non stop and further cost escalations are not only expected considerably but were going to add into the mess further. The ambitious project is exasperating openly due to the administration’s inept handling , whether wilful and deliberate or as a result of recklessness could only be seen in how things move further in the matter. Please resume the work as the project is now too much delayed.