Taiwan detects 15 Chinese military aircraft, 6 vessels close to island

Taiwan detects 15 Chinese military aircraft, 6 vessels close to island
Taiwan detects 15 Chinese military aircraft, 6 vessels close to island


Taipei, June 23 : The Taiwanese military has detected 15 aircraft and 6 vessels of the Chinese armed forces close to the island over the past 24 hours, the Taiwanese Defence Ministry said on Thursday.
“15 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN [navy] vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. ? [22:00 on Saturday, GMT] today. 8 of the aircraft entered Taiwan’s northern and SW ADIZ [air defence identification zone],” the ministry said on X.
In May, the Chinese armed forces carried out comprehensive military drills around Taiwan, two days after the new head of the island’s administration, Lai Ching-te, assumed office. He is expected to continue his predecessor’s pro-independence policy.
The Chinese forces will continue to train troops, conduct preparations in case of a war and fight against Taiwan’s independence, as well as promote reunification and resist any external interference, Beijing said earlier in June, adding that the army will resolutely carry out its duties to protect the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Taiwan has been governed independently from mainland China since 1949. Beijing views the island as its province, while Taiwan – a territory with its own elected government – maintains that it is an autonomous country. Beijing opposes any official contacts of foreign states with Taipei and considers Chinese sovereignty over the island indisputable. (Agencies)