Stylish Turkish inglenook in demand for affordable warmth

Workers busy with the making Turkish inglenooks in North Kashmir’s Boniyar area on Saturday. - Excelsior Aabid Nabi
Workers busy with the making Turkish inglenooks in North Kashmir’s Boniyar area on Saturday. - Excelsior Aabid Nabi

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Dec 30: Turkish inglenooks, locally known as ‘bukharis,’ are gaining popularity in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district, with people considering them cost-effective and a perfect shield against the cold.
One workshop, producing these inglenooks-faithfully replicated from the Turkish model, which costs around a lakh-is operated by a youngster named Imtiyaz Ahmad Awan in Boniyar, and the products are selling like hotcakes. Click here to watch video
“While this is a perfect copy, we are selling it at a minimal price compared to the original Turkish inglenooks; it is making a difference, with people asking for it,” Imtiyaz said.
For some time now, Imtiyaz has been crafting traditional bukharis. However, in response to demand, he shifted to making Turkish bukharis, which currently helps him earn a livelihood.
“I have studied upto class 12th but did not get a job. These days, I am earning a livelihood by putting my skills to use, benefiting the people using these bukharis,” he added.
A local currently using a Turkish inglenook, Bashir Ahmad, mentioned, “Due to the cost, I could never afford it. Then I heard about its replica here in Boniyar-I got it at a minimal price and am currently enjoying the warmth.”
Muhammad Rafaqat, assisting Imityaz in making Turkish inglenooks, stated, “We have already lowered the price to Rs 4000-5000, but we are working to reduce it further and make additional improvements for better functionality.”
The makers noted that at least in North Kashmir’s Baramulla, Turkish inglenooks are gradually replacing traditional bukharis in homes. “Those acquiring new ones prefer the Turkish models,” the makers confirmed.
Another maker said that people from different parts of Kashmir are visiting them, ordering the bukharis, which he said, depicts the popularity of the item.