Skewed sex ratio

It is need of the hour to educate people with regard to female foeticide. We notice ratio between male and female is unequal. If we happen to visit Kerala where women enjoy high status and female foeticide is not a problem. The “Sex ratio” is about 1084 (that is 1084 girls born on average for every 1000 boys). But for all of India, the sex ratio is 940. The worst state in this respect  with a sex ratio of just 877 in Haryana. Female foeticide and infanticide remain rampant there. Haryanvi men, unable to find mates locally are known to get brides from Kerala. Meanwhile in the commercial capital, Mumbai municipal birth records indicate that it is the most affluent parts of the city that are showing shameful decline in sex ratios. There are similar reports on affluent areas in  Delhi as well. In our State of Jammu and Kashmir things with regard to sex ratio is discouraging. It is likely 994 females to 1000 males.
Legislation meant to protect female babies. Laws that ban sex determination tests and female foeticide may be working to some extent, but the service of greedy doctors who break the law have become so expensive only the rich can afford. Hence the skewed sex ratio for affluent areas. What  rankles us is the fact that hardly any of these doctors have been punished.
Yours etc….
S.N. Raina