Steps afoot to modernize traditional water bodies: Sham

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister for PHE, Sham Lal Sharma inaugurating tubewell on Sunday.

JAMMU, July  28: To improve drinking water facilities in Gazipur Kullian Khails, Kullian, Chak Talib, Mari and adjoining areas, Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Sham Lal Sharma today dedicated 7000 gallons per hour discharge capacity deep drill tube well to residents of these localities.
MLA R. S. Pura, Prof Garu Ram Bhagat, MLC B. R. Kundal and former MLA, Ram Chand were also present on the occasion.
The construction work of tube well including laying of water supply pipes in uncovered areas of Gazipur Kullian and other habitations has been completed with a cost of Rs. 158 lakh under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).
Chief Engineer PHE informed that 6 schemes including WSS Chak Mohammad Yar, Nandpur, Brijnagar, Kotli Shah Doulia, Gazipur, Kullian and Langotian Bana Garh were in progress in R. S. Pura constituency. Of these six schemes, 3 WSS have been completed in the year 2012-13. During 2013-14, 3 remaining schemes and 2 new scheme including Kalyana and Murallian (Slippage) have been taken up for execution.
It is pertinent to mention here that a Rs. 471.77 lakh project for R. S. Pura town under LIC has been submitted to the Administrative Department.
Addressing a public meeting after inauguration, Sham said that Government is concerned about scarcity of water supply  in urban and peripheral areas of the State, adding that number of WSS have been taken up to provide and augment potable water facilities in these water stressed areas.
Sham said that the Government is also working on a plan to modernize and revive all the traditional water bodies and ponds as well as check dam in kandi areas of the state.
He asked the Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department to immediately start the works including laying water supply pipes in uncovered and water deficit areas so that the people are not deprived of this vital facility. He also appealed the people in general to use drinking water judiciously. He said that 25 percent population depends on agriculture and allied sectors and this field is life line of the people. He assured the people particularly farmer community that concerte channels would be raised to provide water at tail ends besides increasing the area under irrigation.
MLA R. S. Pura  Prof. Garu Ram Bhagat and MLC B. R. Kundal also spoke on the occasion.