Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 31: Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has declared results of 150 notifications of different departments involving about 500 posts on the last day of year for which first ever Computer Based Written Test (CBT) was held in the third week of November.
All these candidates will directly join the departments after document verification as there is no viva for these posts. The results included for different Matric, Senior Secondary, Graduate and Specific syllabus posts like Junior Pharmacist, Anesthesia Assistant, X-Ray Assistant, Theatre Technician of Health Department, Teacher of School Education Department; PET of YSS Department; Horticulture Technician of Horti-culture Department; Election Assistant of Election Depa-rtment; Library Assistant and Junior Librarian of School Education and Information Departments; Information Assi-stant and Assistant Cameraman of Information Department; Junior Lab Assistant of Higher Education Department; Legal Assistant and Prosecutor of Law Department; Demonstrator (IT) and Computer Operator of Tech Education Department; various other posts of Hospitality and Protocol Department; Craft Teacher of Culture Department etc.
A spokesperson of JKSSB informed that the remaining results of November CBT will be announced by or before January 10, 2018. Around 13000 candidates were called for these exams which were spread over 5 days.