Sports activities during current pandemic


Why is so much of urgency accorded to conducting of training sessions in respect of different sports disciplines and to video graphing the same, a decision taken to this effect by Jammu and Kashmir Sports Council, is beyond comprehension. It is somewhat akin to the practice of some students doing nothing during daytime and studying only during night and spoiling health in that during the second wave of the dreaded corona pandemic, Sports Council seems to be “seen” active not as much as it should during normal time. If the decision was going to be implemented which looks likely , looking to preparation of training cum demonstration roaster and on-line meeting with the coaches and other officials by the JK Sports Council, who would be responsible for the sports persons and coaches getting infected ? Moreover, there are Government guidelines and SOPs issued in respect of precautionary measures to be taken against the spread of the virus, how can the JK Sports Council afford to violate those? Coaches concerned too are expressing their displeasure over this decision because they have to appear at least three times a week as per roaster being prepared and conduct 30 minutes demonstration to be videographed and uploaded on social media platforms so that the trainees in rural areas get benefitted. The decision needs to be reviewed and most decidedly needs to be postponed. Employees too being apprehensive needs to be looked into , however, any surmises about third wave and to “hit children” need to be put on hold and not aired without any substance.