Soon Cong website to host live streaming of press conferences


NEW DELHI, June 25: As part of the strategy to spruce up its media presence, Congress has decided to facilitate live streaming of AICC press conferences on its website.

Party sources said that it could happen within a month.

The move aims at spreading Congress’ response to issues in real time to people as well party-men and PCC offices across the country.

It is also expected to bring uniformity in the party’s response on the key issues across the length and breadth of the country.

Once the live streaming facility is integrated, Congress will possibly become the first political party in the country to have its press conferences shown live in real time on its website.

Main opposition party BJP occasionally uploads the video links and video clips of its key press conferences, which can also be accessed on YouTube.

Congress, which has been for some time competing with BJP over media presence, has also chalked out elaborate plans for increasing its responses on social media.

Besides holding daily meetings with party spokespersons, AICC Communication Department in-charge Ajay Maken has also held two meetings with television panelists from the party.

Almost 30 party leaders, who disseminate party’s views in print and electronic media, attended such a meeting this morning in which views were exchanged to fortify the party’s media strategy.

After his appointment as party vice-president in January, Rahul Gandhi has evinced interest in fine-tuning the media presence of Congress and a number of measures — including setting up of three separate wings on media — have been taken so far.

The sources said the party is also planning to come out with hashtag ‘Fekunama’ on Twitter to attack Narendra Modi over his “false” development claims. (PTI)