Social audit of MGNREGA schemes conducted

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Feb 26: The Social Audit of Halqa Panchayat Choglamsar in respect of MGNREGA schemes was held today under the chairmanship of the Nambarder Nawang Tsering in presence of Councilor Phyang Tsering Sonam, BDO, Leh, Sonam Norboo, District Panchyat Officer Vivak Puri and Sarpanch Choglamsar Punchok Dorjey.
The social audit was actively participated by the Panchs of Choglamsar.
Addressing the meeting, the BDO, Leh expounded in detail about the Section 17 of the MGNREGA which stipulate the conducting of Social Audit by the Gram Sabha (Deh Majlis) for effective implementation of the scheme. He stressed upon the Gram Sabha to educate general public about the schemes of MGNREGA and take utmost benefit from the scheme with maximum participation.
Earlier, the details of expenditure in Choglamsasr village under MGNREGA scheme were exchanged in the Gram Sabha. The Councilor, Goba, Sarpanch and Panchs also shared their experiences and suggestions for effective implementation of the MGNREGA scheme in days to come.
Likewise, in morning the social audit of Halqa Panchayat Tashi Gytsal was also held at their Community Hall under the chairmanship of Goba Tsering Tundup in presence of their Panchs headed by their Sarpanch Sonam Dorjey.
Tomorrow, the social audit of Halqa Panchayat Saboo and Spituk will be held at their respective Panchayat Ghars at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm respectively.