CHANDIGARH: Under fire from Chief Minister Amarinder Singh for Congress’s “poor performance” in the State’s urban areas in the Lok Sabha polls, Punjab Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu Thursday skipped the first cabinet meeting after the elections and asserted he cannot be “taken for granted”.
Singh had recently said he intended to change the cricketer-turned-politician’s portfolio of local Government department over the party’s performance in the Lok Sabha polls.
“I cannot be taken for granted. I have been a performer throughout in 40 years of my life be it international cricket, or world class commentary with Geoffrey Boycott, TV shows or 1,300 motivational talks,” Sidhu told reporters.
The simmering tension between the Chief Minister and Sidhu came out in open on May 19 when Singh accused him of damaging the Congress’s prospects just before the general election with his “irresponsible actions”.
Sidhu said urban areas had played a pivotal role in the party’s victory in Punjab and alleged that his department is being singled out. (AGENCIES)