Season’s first snowfall on peaks

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 15: Season’s first snowfall on upper reaches of Gulmarg and other mountain peaks in North Kashmir led to plummeting of temperature across Valley.
Reports reaching here from Gulmarg said that it started snowing in the upper reaches of Gulmarg and Apharwat in the afternoon and the mountains were covered with a fresh layer of snow measuring 5 to 6 inches.
The Valley was lashed by fresh spell of rains and according to Meteorological Department; 0.5 mm rainfall was recorded till 5 pm Sunday. Srinagar recorded 0.3 mm, Pahalgam 6.0, Kupwara 1.2 and Gulmarg 1.6 mm rainfall.
The Met Office has forecasted fresh rains amid thunderstorm across the Valley with heavy downpour at some places.
The rains also resulted in plummeting of temperature by a few degrees with the maximum recorded at 16.4 degress Celsius and minimum at 10.4 degress Celsius.
In Pahalgam and Gulmarg, the maximum temperature hovered around 13 degrees Celsius while the night temperature dipped to 6 degree Celsius in Pahalgam.
Heavy hailstorm was reported from Noorabad Kulgam, Khulid Ahamadabad, Nengardpora, Nagam, Chek Nagam, Yari Kha, Devsar, Sail Khenain, Razul, Pachagam, Nowboug, Waripora, Nigeenpora and Waltengoo in South Kashmir causing heavy damage to crops.


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