Scars of 2016 unrest will continue to haunt people of Kashmir: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent
PULWAMA, Apr 30: Asserting that the scars of 2016 unrest will continue to haunt people of Kashmir for decades reminding them of torture and barbarism on the part of PDP-BJP Govt, the J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president and Party candidate GA Mir has said that people of Shopian and Pulwama should not trust PDP and other opportunist parties which are out to mislead people “again” for electoral benefits.
Addressing public meetings in Pulwama, Rajpura and Pampore constituencies at town hall Pulwama, Mir resolved to fight against the betrayal and political exploitation on the part of PDP, BJP, NC and others.
Mir said he believes people of Pulwama and Shopian after witnessing bloodshed, brutality and loot by the PDP led Govt should ensure defeat of PDP, NC and other opportunist parties in the present elections and cautioned them about their falsehood and political gimmicks aiming to generate peoples support, the fact of the matter was, Shopian Pulwama has undergone tremendous damages due to misrule and mis-governance on the Part of previous PDP led Govt in the State, he said.
The Coalition Govt led by PDP could have averted the damages and loss of precious lives in twin districts of Shopian and Pulwama had they not surrendered their agenda before BJP- RSS. It was also unfortunate on its part that after getting a good mandate from South Kashmir this party aligned with the BJP for the sake of power thereby ensuring inroads to communal and fascist forces led by BJP in Kashmir valley.
The people in Valley especially South Kashmir should not forget as to what the PDP had promised them in 2014 elections and what they achieved after voting for this opportunist Party, people got pellets and bullets in response to their vote and support to PDP in 2014, Mir said.
Pellet horror in Pulwama, Shopian was outcome of PDPs surrender before BJP, hundreds of bullet injured and pellet injured people were still under treatment in their homes and hospitals, scores of innocent civilians were killed, what was their fault, Mir questioned. Their fault was only they were agitating against the barbarism, misrule and mis-governance, bloodshed and innocent killings during PDP-BJP rule, Mir added.
Senior leaders Haji Abdul Rashid Dar, Mohd Anwar Bhat, Bashir Ahmad Magrey, Syed Bashir, Gulzar Ahmad Wani, Surinder Singh Channi, Farooq Andrabi, Fayaz Ahmad Dar, Indu Pawar, Irfan Naqib and others also accompanied.