Renal transplantation at SSH Srinagar

Contrary to expectations, the much hyped facility to be provided at Super Speciality Hospital in Srinagar in respect of renal transplantation has not been started. It is despite the fact that the concerned Urology Department at the Hospital has been provided with all the facilities and clearance from the Government. Delays , one after the other, in the process caused are beyond comprehension. Delay of months together, patients are now glued to the expected dates somewhere in September this year for availing of the facility. However, looking to the track record in this connection, of the hospital authorities, chances appear to be not only dismal but quite bleak.
Why should there be any sort of negative campaigning taking place to inject apprehensions and doubts in the patients and in their close relatives about inadequate facilities available in this regard in the hospital? What is the end use of spending huge amount of tax payers on installation of sophisticated equipment and other related facilities including providing the requisite expertise, if the needy ones do not get any benefit there-from? Are touts, money makers and others from out of patients’ predicament related to health interested in letting rather accentuating the confusion taking place so that such operations are conducted outside the UT , must be thoroughly looked into. Jammu and Kashmir is traditionally having notable expertise and talent in the field of medical science hence that warrants demonstrating the transplantation skills as well which otherwise are considered as very complicated but not impossible to be all success.