This has reference to the news item “Wakf Council approves construction of Polytechnic, Para-Medical Collegs in Jammu” DE Apr 18. In this context, I would like to say that this sort of activity should have been undertaken much earlier by the Ministry/Department of Haj & Auqaf so that the education avenues would have increased in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, both in religious education as well as in General Education. Anyhow, in furtherance of the approval, the Haj & Auqaf Ministry without wasting anytime, should go ahead with the approval and do ground work and set up Polytechnic and Para Medical Colleges in Jammu.The Minister of Haj and Auqaf is requested to ensure that all the Wakf properties situated in Jammu region should be protected and ensure that the Wakf land is not encroached by anyone and already Auqaf land encroached upon by any individual or group of persons be got freed from them. The Wakf land should be fenced properly and proper sign boards be installed on all the Wakf land/properties and ensure that any illegal entry of any person made by any authority in the Revenue record should be cancelled at the earliest. Perusal of the news item reveals that the Minister during the Council meeting directed the Auqaf Authorities to take proper possession of the Auqaf land and other assets which have been notified under Wakf Property Act and Rules to avoid chances of encroachment. I request that the Minister personally monitor and ensure that the directions issued to the Auqaf authorities in the Council meeting be implemented in letter and spirit on ground by the authorities.
Yours etc…
Mohd Latif Malik