People protest against bad condition of roads

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 17: Locals of Nagbani Macchlian area near Refugee Basti today staged a demonstration in the area against the Government for totally neglecting the area in development and alleged that the condition of the roads in the area was worst.
State Incharge of BJP Cells Sat Sharma (CA) along with State BJP Kissan Morcha President Karan Singh also participated in the protest.
Addressing the protesters Sat Sharma assured full support to these refugees in their struggle.
He also said that refugees are still being ignored by the Government. He also stated that the roads are in such a worst condition having deep ditches on which the vehicular traffic movement is also not possible as these roads have become death traps.
Karan Singh while addressing the protests said that the department concerned is not looking  the matter seriously and the needy people of the area are being neglected by the administration. He also said that despite many complaints to the concerned officials, no action has been taken by them regarding solution of the problem.
He demanded immediate renovation of these roads to avoid any mishap.
State vice president Kissan Morcha Jagdish Pandey, general secretary Kissan Morcha Raghubir Singh, Jagpal Singh and Rakesh Kumar also participated in the protest.


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