PCC resolves to fight against divisive, communal forces

Excelsior Correspondent
PAHALGAM, (Anantnag), Aug 8:  Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) today resolved to fight against communalism and divisive forces for maintaining unity and integrity of the State.
This important resolution was adopted during one day session of Jammu and Kashmir  Pradesh Congress Executive Committee held at Pahalgam in Kashmir today.  PCC president  G A Mir presided over the session while AICC  observer,   Sanjay Kapoor- MLA, was the guest of honour.
The crucial meet was attended by all the office bearers of  PCC, members of the Executive, District presidents, contesting candidates of the party besides heads / representatives of  frontal organizations of the Party, from all three regions of the State.
Addressing the Congress session GA Mir gave a detailed resume of the activities of the party in the State and the future challenges before the party in the wake of the communal and divisive agenda of the forces in power. He said the Congress, as a responsible opposition,  has a greater responsibility to  play role of a unifying force in a more effective manner and defeat the designs of forces hell bent to divide the people.
Mir briefed  about the ongoing membership drive of the Party in all parts of the State.  He impressed upon  the leaders of the Party to ensure strong units of the party in their respective areas at the booth level and indentify  the  dedicated and talented workers  for promotion to the block, district and PCC levels with due representation to women, youth, minorities and down trodden sections of the Society.
The PCC leader referred to the historical role played  by the Congress in the  State and called upon the Party rank and file to unitedly defeat the attempts to polarize the society  for vested political  interests. He said there was strong  resentment amongst the people over the failure of the present dispensation which is product of sheer opportunism and unholy alliance for the sake of power.
Several other resolutions were also passed in the convention which highlighted the role and future challenges before the Party. The political resolution was  presented by  Taj Mohi- ud- Din  and seconded by  Mula Ram and Raman Bhalla. The resolution appreciating the role of Congress and its leadership in the country was moved by Peerzada Mohd  Syed- former PCC president and seconded by Th Hari Singh. The third resolution regarding the treatment being given by the State Govt to the youth, employees and working class was moved  by Ch Aijaz Khan Deputy CLP Leader  and seconded by
Sham Lal Sharma senior vice president, the fourth resolution regarding strengthening of organization network and ensuring discipline  in the party was presented by Rigzin Jora- CLP Leader and seconded by  GM Saroori MLA.