Pakistani Captive

This is apropos Dr. K. N. Pandita’s letter, captioned ‘Pakistani Captive’, and published in DE of 24th August 2015. Herein the learned scholar aptly summarizes the grim security situation prevalent in the Valley. Undetected stay of Naved and his accomplices for months in the Valley and their free movement all over the State is a sordid reflection on the efficacy of intelligence agencies of all hues operating here. Dr. Pandita rightly observes that all the governance vitals in the Valley have been subverted.
It should come as no surprise that promises of full implementation of employment package for migrant youth and displaced community’s rehabilitation back in the Valley have been stonewalled by successive governments thus far. Now, BJP’s indifference to these confidence building measures is baffling unless it too realizes the hopelessness of the situation. More surprising is stoic silence observed these days by theleadership of numerous migrant community organizations that cropped up in exile. They let no opportunity go-bye to issue ‘stern warnings’ to previous Governments in variety of matters ranging from security scenario, both national and international, to deficiencies in governance. Either everything is hunky-dory now or they were earlier doing so on someone else’s bidding. It is a known fact that some leaders have been accommodated in government appointments while others sulk at having been overlooked. But all are silent.
Yours etc……
Yoginder Kandhari