Mehak Gupta Grover
India is a big country with diversity in religion, cultures and traditions and this makes India stand out and we Indians should really be proud of this. As India is developing, it is taken off by many issues- be it corruption, killings, pollution and lot many. But as a responsible citizen of India, have we ever tried to do our bit. Shouting at the Government, for most , is the norm these days. We, as a society, as a country, have become habitual to criticise the Government for All the issues- corruption, potholes, mosquitoes, unemployment, illiteracy and so on. And why shouldn’t we? It’s the easiest way to save our faces! When one person criticises the Government, he gets so many more supporters because nobody wants to accept their responsibilities.
Have we ever noticed or realised that we too have responsibilities which play a major role in helping the Government to keep pace with its work? We say- roads are dirty. Who littered it- Government? We say- drains are blocked. Who threw the polybags into it- Government? We say- drinking water doesn’t reach our homes. Who misuses it- Government? We say city is experiencing the worst traffic jams. Who drives without rules and encroaches the road- Government? We say- kids are being killed in the kashmir mishap. Who is sending them out- Government?
We need to understand that it is not only the Government that has to take care of all the small things. Citizens have the equal responsibilities. Not only India, our world is becoming a fighting place. Someone, somewhere in Kashmir, a mother or father, a wife or sister, is grieving and desolately wondering whether those numerous unmarked graves hold their blood. Libyan rebels capturing world’s imagination as they oust gaddafi; Israel bombing Gaza after Hamas lashes out; more violence in Karachi. These tragic events have touched upon the sorry state of our world. But is it the Government all over involved in it? A big no!
I am not someone who is supporting the Government or being on the side of the aam aadmi. I am being very neutral and practical in pointing out what is right and where things are getting wrong. Surely the people who have been gunned down in the name of security is a big loss. This is just wrong. Do these bodies not deserve an ounce of respect? Do they not deserve to be laid to rest? Are people in Kashmir not human? Then why so much bloodshed? The people buried in the graves, regardless of what they’ve done or haven’t done should be dealt with more humanely. Every single person in this world deserves more than that- but sadly millions and millions will never get it. The bodies discovered in the world are a poignant and explicit testimony to the character and calibre we lack.
But do we really believe that Government is behind all this massacre? Every human on this earth is proud of their country. Our country is our motherland, and the pride we possess of our nation is the respect we have for our nation in our hearts and soul. To feel the honour of being the citizens of our country is itself a great emotion which can never be compared or evaluated with any of the measuring scales existing in the universe. The amplitude of the emotion is the depth of patriotism of our country.
I am a proud Indian because of our country’s achievements. Being an Indian has a special status of honour and dignity in the eyes of the world and it still continues to hold that special place- thanks to Narendra Modi- our Prime Minister – our Government. The culture and traditions we have can hardly be compared to any other nation. None of the nations in this world could visualise such diversity in human population. Still we stay united and feel proud to be called Indian. India is Heavan. This is the most beautiful place of earth where we can enjoy the fragrance of nature to its best. To maintain this pride, we need to remain united and save our motherland from getting destroyed.
In words of Narendra Modiji-
“I want to tell those who divide the nation in the name of secularism- to see real secularism see the army. We can learn the true essence of secularism from our armed forces”.
Why do we always criticise our brave soldiers? Being a soldier is more than courage. It’s sacrificing yourself for something greater than yourself. A soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him. Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.
Salute our soldiers, our army, our Government which is protecting us day and night. Salute them for being brave, courageous and bold. Salute them for being who they are. We are proud of them. Our country is proud of them. Let us all promise to take a pledge of supporting our Government in whatever way possible. Instead of criticising, let’s join hands and make our country, our world more beautiful. United we stand, divided we fall.