SRINAGAR : A week after registering 13 cases against unnamed people circulating rumours through social network ‘FaceBook’, J&K Police today detained a person who was allegedly circulating false and frivolous information related to internal security situation of the State on these websites.
Based on his questioning, a number of other people have also been identified on his disclosure who will be detained soon for further investigation, police spokesman said in a statement here.
J&K police had constituted a special team at cyber cell to identify the people behind scores of pages spreading rumours.
“Today one of the kingpins running seven pages has been tracked down and detained for further questioning. The kingpin is hailing from downtown city and is working in a private company. A number of other admins have also been identified on his disclosure who will be detained shortly for further investigation,” the spokesman said.
Ever since Ashok Prasad took over as the Director General of state police, a special focus was on identifying people who had created these pages on the social networking site and those responsible for circulation of rumours.
Both Crime Branch and CID departments were asked to track such people besides taking up the matter with Facebook officials based in India. Facebook officials assured all help if a case was registered.
Police have found the following Facebook pages indulging in posting baseless information, which included Kashmir News Agency, Loving Kashmir, Youths of Downtown-Kashmir, 24X7 Breaking News, All (J&K) Breaking News Alert, True Muhajid Voice of Kashmir Youth, Youths of Down Town and Voice of Unspoken Kashmir, the statement said.
A case has been registered against these Facebook pages and the persons running these pages are being identified.
“Action has been initiated against the page Admins who have been found copying and pasting wrong information of the above pages,” it said. (AGENCIES)