Obama had shown resolve as Commander-in-Chief: Biden

CHARLOTTE, Sept 7: Lauding the US President’s decisive role in taking out al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, Vice President Joe Biden said that Barack Obama has shown resolve in his role as Commander-in-Chief.
“In 2008, before he was president—Barack Obama made a promise to the American people. He said, if I have bin Laden in our sights, we will take him out. He went on to say, that has to be our biggest national security priority,” Biden said, preceding Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.
“Look, Barack understood that the search for bin Laden was about a lot more than taking a monstrous leader off the battlefield. It was about so much more than that. It was about righting an unspeakable wrong. It was about healing an unbearable wound, a nearly unbearable wound in America’s heart,” he said.
“He also knew the message we had to send around the world: If you attack innocent Americans, we will follow you to the end of the earth,” Biden said as he narrated for the first time the story of killing of bin Laden and the decision taken by Obama.
“President Obama had an unyielding faith in the capacity and the capability of our special forces, literally the finest warriors in the history of the world,” he said.
“So we sat. We sat originally—only five of us—we sat in the Situation Room beginning in the fall of the year before. We listened, we talked, we heard, and he listened to the risks and reservations about the raid. He asked again the tough questions. He listened to the doubts that were expressed,” Obama said.
“But when Admiral McRaven looked him in the eye and said, sir, we can get this job done, I sat next to him and looked at Barack, and I knew at that moment he had made his decision. And his response was decisive. He said, do it—and justice was done!” Biden said amidst cheers and applause.
In contrast, Biden said when Romney was asked about bin Laden in 2007, he said, it’s not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just to catch one person.
“But he was wrong. He was wrong. Because if you understood that America’s heart had to be healed, you would have done exactly what the president did and you would move heaven and earth to hunt him down and to bring him to justice,” Biden said. (PTI)