Nitish Kumar demands Bharat Ratna to Karpoori Thakur

Patna, Jan 24:  Amid surcharged political atmosphere due to the ensuing lok sabha elections, the political parties were trying to lure the voters on caste lines and for this the political out fits observed the anniversary of the great Socialist leader of the state Late Karpoori Thakur separately making the celebrations a political agenda.    While addressing a function Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar demanded conferring of ‘Bharat Ratna’ to the great leader and exhorted the people to pass a resolution in this connection. He said his government had already recommended for it to the Centre and would again remind the Centre.

Mr Kumar said Karpoori Tahkur died at the age of 64 and maintained the leader would have become Prime Minister of the country had he been alive. Mr Tahkur strived for the cause of the oppressed section and suggested to implement reservation at the centre on formula of the great leader. He said the Karpoori formula for reservation had already been implemented in Bihar.

On this occasion Mr Kumar lamented at the opposition and cautioned the people from the electoral survey saying that it is ridicules that the survey projects JD (U), his party at lower rank in electoral battle despite 63 per cent of the people being satisfied with his work.




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