Mobile connectivity for yatris

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 20: For the convenience of the pilgrims undertaking the Shri Amarnathji Yatra, from 28th June, the Telecom Department, has erected special towers at Baltal, Domel, Brarimarg, holy cave, Panjtarni, Sheshnag and Chandanwari to ensure that telecom connectivity is available to the yatris. For all those yatris who do not possess BSNL connections and those who possess mobiles with pre-paid cards which do not work in the State of J&K, the Telecom Department has given permission to private operators, in addition to BSNL, to provide the interested yatris pre-paid sim cards with a validity of four days. This arrangement has materialized after the Chairman of the Board, and Governor N.N. Vohra had taken up the matter with the Union Communication Ministry. Providing details, Navin K. Choudhary, Chief Executive Officer of the Shrine Board (SASB) said that such sim cards will be made available only to the registered yatris at special counters being set up at the Nunwan and Baltal Yatra base camps. These cards will be operative only for four days, to cover the pilgrims journey to the Shrine, from either route, and will automatically deactivate thereafter. Mr Choudhary further informed that all yatris who are interested in obtaining the pre-paid connection must produce the counterfoil of the yatra Registration Slip as well as proof of identity, address and UID card at the special counters.


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