NEW DELHI: Amid rising concerns over women safety, the Home Ministry has created a new division to address issues related to security of women comprehensively.
A Home Ministry statement said the division would deal with all aspects of women safety in coordination with the relevant ministries, departments and the state Governments.
The new division will deal with subjects like crimes against women, SCs & STs, crimes against children, elderly persons, anti-trafficking cell, matters relating to prison legislation and prison reforms, all schemes under NIRBHAYA fund, Crime and Criminal Tracking & Network System (CCTNS) and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
A senior IAS officer, Punya Salila Srivastava, will head the division as joint secretary.
In order to address offences against women particularly rape in a holistic and time-bound manner, the division would focus to enhance capacity of the existing administrative, investigative, prosecution and judicial machinery, along with appropriate measures for rehabilitation of victims and bringing attitudinal changes in the society, the statement said. (AGENCIES)