Mehbooba takes strong exception to development deficit

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Aug 27: Taking a strong exception to the developmental deficit facing J&K, Mehbooba Mufti, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president today said the present government is pursuing only those developmental schemes wherein the money allocated goes into the pockets of ruling politicians and their favourite contractors.
Ms Mehbooba said that PDP’s assertions have been vindicated by the latest CAG report which has indicted the National Conference led Government for its failure to implement the centrally sponsored schemes in the state.
She said this after culminating her two-day tour to Islamabad (Anantnag) and Wachi constituencies in South Kashmir. Ms Mehbooba said there is complete neglect and increasing developmental deficit that is causing tremendous miseries to the people. The plan funds are being used as secret funds to appease their own political constituencies and favourite contractors at the cost of genuine contractors who are suffering for want of work and pending bills,” she observed.
“During the last three and half years, alienation among people has been increasing due to governance deficit and rampant corruption,” she observed while adding that the present regime has failed to bring transparency and accountability in governance.
“Corruption has been legitimized in Jammu and Kashmir because those at the helm of the affairs are themselves deep necked involved in corruption,” she said and added that the names of higher-ups in the government have also figured in a number of corruption cases.
Ms Mehbooba said people of the Anantnag district suffer due to paucity of drinking water, choked drainage system and frequent curtailment in power supply even in metered areas. Pointing out the developmental projects started during PDP led regime, she said the same are hanging in balance due to mis-governance of the present regime.
She said that work on some major projects in district Anantnag including 300 bedded hospital which PDP had planned to associate with Government Medical College is starved of funds and the work is being done on snail’s pace. Similarly, she remarked that the work on South campus of Kashmir University which was visualized by PDP as a knowledge hub and centre for skill development so that its pass outs could get jobs easily is paralyzed and not being implemented on PDP’s envisioned planned lines.
She said that her party had four years back sanctioned water supply scheme from Ganesh Pora to villages especially for Kihirbal but no work has been started on this scheme sofar. “The same way remains Martand canal which is a lifeline for agriculture for most parts of the South Kashmir. This canal has been repaired not even once during last four years neither de-silted or cleaned, which has resulted in drastic drop in its water carrying capacity. This inaction of the Government has rendered many areas in South Kashmir without irrigation facility,” she rued.
On this occasion she announced that PDP patron Mr Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, has released Rs 35 lakhs for Anantnag constituency  from his Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and she herself has relased Rs 25 lakhs for Wachi constituency from her CDF during the current year.


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