Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 30: People from different areas today criticized the PDP-BJP coalition Government for its failure to provide uninterrupted power supply during the prevailing hot and humid weather conditions despite repeated assurances about bringing an end to unscheduled power cuts.
Large number of people from Janipur, Tali Morh, Sarwal, New Plots and many others areas blocked the New Plots-Janipur-Bantalab road near Tali Morh and raised slogans against PDD for its failure to provide regular power supply.
The protesting people alleged that on the one hand, the department is collecting tariff from them and on the other hand it is imposing long duration power cuts, which can’t be tolerated anymore particularly during the prevailing weather conditions.
Due to power cuts the water supply is also getting affected thereby increases the woes of the people. This can be gauged from the fact that Public Health and Engineering Department is compelled to regular issue notices informing people about non-supply of water for want of uninterrupted power supply to their pumping stations.
The power supply to many parts of Jammu got snapped early this morning and the department failed to restore the supply till late in the evening thereby creating resentment among the people. Some people rang up EXCELSIOR office and conveyed that they approached the officials of the department a number of times during the day to ascertain the time-frame for restoration of power supply but every time vague replies were given.
“Before imposing such a long duration power cut, the department should intimate the people”, a resident of Janipur said, adding “when approached the department conveyed that some equipment were being replaced at Janipur Grid Station and this was the reason behind the snapping of power supply but what was the problem in giving advance information to the people through notice in the newspapers”.
The residents of Gujroo Nagrota, the constituency of the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh, who is also Minister Incharge Power Development Department, were also up in arms against the PDD as they too faced unscheduled and long duration power cuts.
“The department has failed to replace or repair the damaged transformers”, the people said, adding “despite repeated pleas and memorandums to the concerned authorities, only verbal assurances have been given without any work on the ground”.