Khudi: Unlocking your true potential

Dr Rohi

Khudi is an ocean which has no limit,
Nothing can be done if you take it as a stream
Your life and your dignity is due to Khudi
You are a king if you retain it, or else you are dammed
If it is priceless, it is only because Khudi is protected
There is nothing in the pearl except its shine.

The concept of “Khudi,” which denotes selfhood or self-awareness, is among one well known intellectual ideas of Dr. Allama Iqbal. According to Iqbal’s worldview, khudi is essential to the human experience and the means to realise a person’s full potential. Iqbal asserts that khudi is the essence of the human soul and the source of inspiration, courage, and creativity. He had the opinion that each person has a special Khudi that is just waiting to be recognised and developed. Iqbal claimed that for people to experience true freedom and realise their full potential as people, Khudi must evolve. To Iqbal Khudi is a fact and not an illusion. It is not an abstract thought. “If you say ‘I’ is a mere imagination, and its appearance is a mere appearance, then tell me who entertains these imaginations,” he says. Simply look within and consider what this appearance represents.
The idea of Khudi had a significant influence on Muslim philosophy and motivated generations of Muslims to develop as individuals and reach new heights. Iqbal believed that the development of the idea was essential for the revitalization of the Muslim community and for the creation of a just and prosperous society. For today’s youth, the concept is crucial and immensely relevant. The philosophy of Khudi places a strong emphasis on the value of self-awareness, individual growth, and potential realisation. All of these are crucial elements for young people who are attempting to establish meaningful lives and find their place in the world.
Young people nowadays encounter a variety of difficulties, such as peer pressure, unstable economic conditions, and a quickly evolving technological environment. Iqbal’s idea of Khudi offers a strong foundation for overcoming these obstacles and establishing a sense of direction and goal.
Young individuals can better understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and ambitions by investigating their Khudi. They can grow in self-awareness, which empowers them to take charge of their lives and make wise decisions. This self-awareness can support young people in resisting harmful peer pressure and making decisions that are consistent with their values and aspirations.
In his poetry, Iqbal often used the metaphor of a falcon to describe Khudi. Just as a falcon needs to break free from its tether to soar to great heights, individuals must break free from the constraints of their environment and culture to develop their Khudi and achieve greatness.
Moreover, the growth of Khudi can support young people in developing a sense of empowerment and agency. Young people can become leaders in their communities and forces for good in the world by realising their potential and pursuing personal excellence.
What is Khudi? It is the secret of life.
What is Khudi? It is awaking of the universe
It shines in darkness in ‘I’ and ‘you’ but is untouched by ‘I’ and ‘you’
Eternal beginning is behind it and eternity in front.
There is neither any limit behind it nor in front.
Life and death are not worth any concern
Only Khudi is the aim in the eyes of khudi

Iqbal’s idea of Khudi can help the mental health of current generation in a number of ways. It is mostly developed via self-awareness and introspection. Young people can better understand their inner selves and pinpoint areas where they might need to make adjustments in order to enhance their mental health by reflecting on their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Additionally, the growth of Khudi can assist young people in developing a sense of direction and purpose in their life. Individuals can experience a sense of success and fulfilment by creating meaningful objectives and working towards personal greatness, which can raise their self-esteem and improve their general sense of wellbeing. The growth of Khudi can aid in resilience development and adversity coping among young people. They can better manage stress and deal with challenging situations by becoming aware of their own inner resources and strengths. This can aid in lowering the risk of mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Iqbal’s notion of Khudi places a strong emphasis on the value of individual development. Adopting this idea can help young people be more receptive to new experiences and chances for learning and development. Inquisitiveness, creativity, and joy can all be encouraged as a result, improving their mental health and general wellbeing. Young people must be inspired to value their individuality, develop self-awareness, and create confidence in their skills in order to uphold the spirit of khudi. You can unlock your true potential and lead a more fulfilling life by embracing it. Khudi is not a one-time endeavour but a lifelong journey. It demands continuous learning, development, and self reflection. Along the way, there may be challenges and setbacks, but rather than seeing them as reasons to doubt your skills, see them as opportunities for growth. Remember the power lies within you.
Grow your Khudi into a blooming garden of self-fulfilment by nurturing it like a priceless seed.
(The author is a columnist, blogger and a practising Mental Health Psychologist at Lisners)