JKPF to pay tribute to martyrs of Pakistan’s aggression of 1947

JKPF president Ramesh Sabharwal along with other leaders addressing a press conference at Jammu. - Excelsior/Rakesh
JKPF president Ramesh Sabharwal along with other leaders addressing a press conference at Jammu. - Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 18: Jammu and Kashmir Peoples’ Forum (JKPF) is going to organize a function on May 8, 2022 to pay tribute to those who attained martyrdom while frustrating Pakistan’s evil designs.

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Addressing a joint press conference, Ramesh Sabharwal, President Jammu Kashmir Peoples Conference along with Arun Choudhary President PoJK Displaced Persons Forum informed that JKPF is going to organize a function on May 8, 2022 at 10.30 AM at Padamshri Padma Sachdeva P G College for Women Gandhi Nagar to pay tributes to those martyrs and remind the younger generation about areas of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir which are illegally occupied by Pakistan since 1947.
“Thousands of innocent civilians were brutally killed by Pakistan Army and thousands of the natives were forced to leave their homes and hearths due after October 22, 1947 attack. Pakistan has been illegally occupying huge portion of erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir which is called as Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir”, they added.
Due to discriminatory policies of the successive Governments, thousands and thousands of displaced persons from PoJK faced numerous problems, they said, adding that the whole world witnessed the forced displacement by the Pakistan aggression on the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir since 1947 in which the people were forced to leave their movable as well as immovable properties in the areas.
“Pakistan must vacate the areas of the India state of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression”, they demanded.
They appealed to the people to participate in large number to make this programme a grand success.
Advocate Raghu Mehta, Dr Deepak Kapoor and other members of the JKPF and PoJK Displaced Persons Forum were also present during the press conference.